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Directorate of Geology & Mining, UP

About Directorate

Directorate of Geology & Mining, UP, from its inception in 1955 is actively engaged in search of mineral wealth as well as promotion of scientific development of mineral resources along with conservation and development of mineral based industries in the state. All activities of the department are being spearheaded from its headquarters at Lucknow and Regional Offices based at Jhansi, Prayagraj, Agra, Sonbhadra, Ayodhya, Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Ghaziabad and Lucknow.

The Geoscientists of the department with their sustained efforts have explored several mineral resources in the state viz. Cement grade Limestone, Dolomite, Silica, Sand, Bauxite, China Clay, Sillimanite, Glauconitic Sandstone (Potash), Rock Phosphate, Gold, Asbestos, Quartz, Pyrophyllite, Diaspore, Iron ore and Dimensional Granite/ Sandstone etc. Presently Coal, Cement grade Limestone are being mined in the state.

Beside this several leases of Stone Ballast and Sand/Morrum are sanctioned in the state which has generated revenue to the tune of 3200 Crores. At present Geoscientists of the department are engaged in exploration of the Platinum group of Elements, Iron Ore, Gold, Rock Phosphate, Baryte and Dimensional Stone Along with Geo Environmental Studies.


We are committed to provide assistance in quality control in operative mines and import of technology for entrepreneurs and to prepare techno-economic feasibility reports for mineral based projects and to assist the government agencies, financial institutions and private investors in project appraisal and clearance.


To provide access of geological, mineral and energy resources for sustainable economic growth, equal benefit and prosperity to all the citizens of Uttar Pradesh and to formulate policies and legislations that effectively regulate activities in Mining and Geology sector; generate knowledge and information on resources, and provide services to stimulate investment for sustainable economic development and benefit to all citizens.

History and Background

The Directorate started in May 1955, under the able guidance of late Prof. S.R.Narayana Rao, then Head, Geology Department, Lucknow University, as Hony. Director. The department started its functions, under the administrative control of the Department of Indology, Culture and Scientific Research. During the year 1955, two more gazzeted officers were recruited, one each in the discipline of geology and geochemistry , and the staff was accommodated in two rooms at Moti Mahal, Lucknow and the geochemical laboratory was established in the Geology Department of Lucknow University.

The meager budget allotment, for the year was only Rs. one lac, out of which the expenditure for the year was Rs. 74,701/- . During 1956-57 and 1957-58, the gazetted staff was raised to 7 and 8 respectively. Subsequent to the retirement of Prof. Rao from Lucknow University in April 1958, he also resigned from the Directorate and Dr. Krishna Mohan, Geologist was given the charge of the Directorate in December 1958.

Role of Directorate of Geology & Mining, U.P.

The directorate carries out geological and mineral surveys and detailed exploration of selected mineral deposits. It processes prospecting/ mining lease applications, carries out inspections and demarcation of mining areas, monitors mineral revenue and peruses mineral litigation. It advises the state government in matters of mineral development in the state. The directorate will:

  • Intensify exploration activity and promote such activity in the private sector for search for new mineral deposits including those in forest land.
  • Take up sponsored exploration for entrepreneurs at scheduled rates as well as consultancy in respective fields
  • Promote mineral development
  • Collect, analyse, compile and computerise data relating to minerals and make these available to entrepreneurs
  • Provide technical Know-how and facilities to entrepreneurs for scientific mining with environmental safeguards and mineral utilization
  • Provide laboratory and testing facilities to entrepreneurs at scheduled rates
  • Implement mineral laws
  • Monitor mining operations and ensure reclamation of mined areas, as well as safety and welfare of workers
  • Monitor the enforcement and collection of royalty and supervise over the utilization of infrastructure.
  • Strengthen the mining administration system.

In addition to the above jobs, a specialized cell would be created in the Directorate of Geology and Mining for carrying out the following jobs. This cell would also derive outside assistance as per necessity.

  • Promote development of minerals by analyzing available information for the purpose of capital investment.
  • Provide assistance in maintaining strict quality control at the operating mines.
  • Provide assistance in seeking foreign collaboration for import of technology.
  • Prepare techno-economic feasibility reports for mineral based projects and assist the government agencies and financial institutions in project appraisal and clearance.
  • Promote market development and research and assist in setting up of Mineral Estates in specific/ strategic areas.
  • Assist in setting up mineral processing units.
  • Organize seminars, exhibitions and publish literature for promoting mineral development.

Activities of the Directorate


Present work:

Present field exploration activities of the directorate since its inception can be summarized as below:

  • Preliminary surveys for outlining potential of a defined mineral belt.
  • Preliminary and regional surveys for outlining new mineralisations, of metallic and non metallic minerals, in virgin areas.
  • Detailed surveys for blocking out grade-wise reserves, of particular mineral commodities, as promotional activity of the Directorate and similar contractual work on cost basis at the instance of public or private sector industries.
  • Ad-hoc surveys for particular needs at the instance of the government.

Developments during (1955-70):

In the beginning, the Directorate started preliminary investigations and search for mineral deposits on the basis of various occurrences reported by the Geological Survey of India. The policy orientation was towards exploring relatively known industrial or non metallic mineral belts with a view to obtaining quick returns by development of these deposits at the state level.

The emphasis was therefore on preliminary reconnaissance surveys for locating and developing easily accessible deposits such as clay, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, magnesite etc. Preliminary surveys were followed up by detailed mapping and sampling of these deposits and later on drilling was taken up for poring the deposits for commercial exploitation.

Activities during (1970-80):

As the expertise and confidence grew, exploration activities were diversified and more complicated problems for locating metallic deposits involving longer exploration time/ risk were taken up in early seventies. Further, with the help of United Nations development programmers, as more sophisticated equipment’s, techniques and expertise in various disciplines of geo-sciences were acquired, exploration activities ventured into virgin areas, from where prior data was virtually non-existent.

Mineral exploration was now becoming basically a search for the unknown. As the easily identifiable targets were getting exhausted, greater emphasis was given to ‘concept oriented’ programmers, which demand more inputs in terms of men, material and time. This policy of looking into virgin fields with concept oriented interdisciplinary programmers has yielded results.

Mineralization of scheelite associated with quartz-sericite schists in district Almora and parts of chamoli, lead and zinc mineralization with Krol formations in district Dehradun and uranium with Siwalik formations in district Dehradun/Garhwal and nearby areas were located and search for their extension was continued by the Directorate.

Activities During 1980-1990:

Most of the programmes carried out during this period were either started in the previous. Decade and continued now or follow up of the results achieved /indicated with more sophisticated technical inputs or extension of the earlier programmes. Emphasis was laid on the increase in mineral production, development of new mines/mineral deposits and setting up of new mineral based industries in the State.

Search of new mineral bearing localities were taken up, based on regional surveys supplemented with programme of stream sediment geochemical survey, geophysical surveys, mineralogical studies and metallurgical testing. Simultaneously the process of estimation of quality and reserves of minerals with a higher level of confidence continued for the purposes of project development.

During this period several deposits were evaluated for quality and reserves. These included deposits of cement grade limestone, dolomite, magnesite and soapstone, pyrophyllite and diaspore, rock phosphate, silica sand, china clay, marl and kankar. Exploration work continued on the various mineralisations, to trace their continuities with an objective of converting these into mineral deposits, such work mainly related to mineralisations of copper, lead, zinc, tin, tungsten, placer gold etc.

In addition investigations were carried out for the search of areas of dimensional stone in Bundelkhand and aggregate areas in the terai belt. Presence of gold was noticed at a number of localities in Lalitpur and Sonbhadra during the collection of panned concentrate of stream sediments, which were later taken up for follow up work.

Activities during 1990-2000 comprised continuation of evaluating mineral deposits and known mineralisation, while regional surveys also continued for the search of new areas of mineralization. During this period new areas of gold mineralization were found. Presence of platinum group of metals was indicated in the ultrabasic rock of Madaura, Lalitpur and potential areas for the search of diamond were investigated. Evaluation of sillimanite mineralization was also taken up.

During 2000-2005, the investigations started earlier were continued. Further studies of various geological environments in the State, for marking out the mineral associations and predicting the possible occurrences with in each type based on scientific models, are being taken up, followed by detailed exploration.

Directorate Geology & Mining, U.P. Contact US

Address  Khanij Bhawan 27/8, Raja Ram Mohan Rai Marg, Lucknow -226001
Phone  0522-2205904
E-mail  Director[at]dgmup[dot]org


What minerals are found in Uttar Pradesh.

The state possesses a variety of major minerals. The major minerals found in the state are coal, limestone, dolomite, iron –ore, copper ore, lead-zinc ore, gold and diamond. In addition to above minor minerals such as sand, morrum, stone ballast is also found in abundance in the state.

In which part of the state of Uttar Pradesh, minerals are found.

Minerals are found mainly in southern plateau part of the state.

Is permission required for mining of sand and morrum is required in Uttar Pradesh.

Without the Government permission, mining is prohibited.

Can we apply online to seek permission for mining in the state.

Yes, all citizen centric services of Department of Geology and Mining in the state is available online.

Can we remove minerals deposited on agricultural land during flood without government permission.

No, Government permission is required for disposal of minerals on agricultural land during flood.

Is environmental clearance is required for approval of mining plan.

Without environmental clearance, mining plan will not be approved.

Can we get the details of mineral sales point near me.

Yes. To get the list of mineral sales point, kindly visit department’s website

Can we know the latest prices of sand/morrum in the market.

To know the prices of sand/morrum, kindly visit our website, where price is updated daily.

In case of illegal transportation, whether notice is issued online/offline.

In case of illegal transportation, notices are issued online.

Can I pay the penalty for illegal transportation online.

Penalty can be paid online in Rajkosh.

Can we make payments for Brick klins online.

Yes, You can make payment in instalments online via EMM-11 portal.

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